A few editing samples:
For 50th Anniversary of Job Corps. ( 1:34)
Opening video for Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers convention, celebrating 150 years. (17:39)
Awarded Gold Peer Award for Editing in 2021
by TIVA-DC - the Television, Internet & Video
Association of Washington, DC. (2:14)
A three and a half minute motivational highlights
video edited from four days of conference. (3:23)
History of the International Association of Fire
Fighters. Editor of original and the 2018 update.
(26:49; update begins at 16:10)
Fund-raising video for St. Louis Parish (Clarksville,
Maryland) celebrating 20-year partnership with school
in Gonaives, Haiti. Editor of annual video, 2017-present.
More to come.
Promo using rehearsal footage for dance
performance with live Gregorian Chanters.
Full length video premiered at fundraising
gala with chanters accompanying. (1:09)